Add position
How do I add a position to the organization chart?
To be able to add a position in the organization chart, you need to have created a position template in the Positions tab beforehand.
After you have created the position template, you can place it in the org chart. To do this, go to the team in which the position is to be created. To do this, go to the team in which the position is to be created. Click in the box. A new window opens in the left-hand area. Then click on Orgchart and on "Add owner position" or on "Add subordinate position". Depending on whether you have created a new department in the organization chart and want to add a position to this department, or whether you want to add a position under a department.
An input window will open. Fill it in as follows:
Position draft: select here the position which has the leading function for this team.
Organizational unit: this field is already filled, you don't need to adjust anything. It serves as an overview for you.
Reporter: if the direct supervisor is not the one of the transferred team, you can specify another reporter here.
Parent organizational unit (matrix): If a matrix supervisor is stored, this person not only has access to the individual employee, but - depending on the position - also the viewing rights for other subordinate teams.
You can now assign a job to this team leader position or add other subordinate positions. These actions are always done with the two arrows in the lower right area of the team. If you can't see the team, it's probably because you haven't shown unoccupied positions. To see them, click on the eye icon in the right sidebar: