Create payroll
How can I create a payroll?
Go to the personal file of the employee for whom the payroll is to be created. Open the Payroll tab and click on Create Payroll.
Now select the corresponding employee with his employment. Past employments can also be selected with the slider activated. Also specify for which month this payroll will be created.
For the basic salary, the value that is stored in the employee's employment is taken over. However, you can still adjust the salary manually. The additional fields that are relevant for payroll accounting and are stored in the employment are also listed.
Using "Add custom item", you can add further individual items to the payroll, so that you can flexibly adjust the employees' payrolls without having to create a new employment.
Now you can enter the values in the new line. To do this, select under Arithmetic whether the item is added to the salary or subtracted. Then select the salary component. For the Wage type to appear in the selection, the field must be assigned to the employee.
The value and wage type are also taken over here if they are stored. However, they can also be adjusted manually here.
In the Comment field you have the option to enter a comment.
Under "Total", the salary components are automatically added together.
In the listed overview of the payrolls you can reach the details of the payroll via the magnifying glass. You can edit the details individually via the edit pen and delete individual items via the garbage can.