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The differences between survey/assessment types: Standard, 180° Surveys, 360° Surveys & Competency Surveys.

What are the differences between the various survey types?

As an HR manager, you have the option of using 180° / 360° feedback or competence surveys, for example, to map feedback discussions. You also have the option of using standard surveys to measure employee satisfaction, for example.

We will now introduce you to the difference between the various surveys: 

Standard surveys: these are used to assess employee satisfaction, for example. This means that you can trigger the survey to different employees. 

360-degree feedback surveys: this survey involves people at all levels with whom the employee works for the assessment. For example, this would include supervisors, direct colleagues, and indirect colleagues. Thus, multiple people are evaluating one person.

180 Degree Feedback Surveys: This survey, on the other hand, only involves the employee and his/her direct supervisor for evaluation. 

Competency Survey: This survey is preparatory to the competency profile. This means that you ask an employee about competencies and skills. In the future, these answers can then be directly incorporated into a competence profile, which is then displayed in the employee's talent profile.

Apart from surveys, jacando gives you the possibility to map target agreements. A target agreement is an individual agreement between employer and employee about annual targets to be achieved. The admin user can create different target agreement templates and HR & line managers can use them for their employees.