Meaning of the different field types for additional fields
What is the meaning of the different field types in additional fields?
When you add additional fields you can choose from different types. What these mean we explain as follows:
Date field: full date, xx.xx.xxxx (January 2019 does not apply).
Number field: number field (eg. number of children: 2) A cell with the type "Number" accepts only numbers (no spaces, commas & dots can be entered)
Link: for example to a G-Drive folder
Input field: Input fields have no line break (content is displayed on one line), here all special characters can be entered,
Textarea field: Text with line break (content can be displayed over several lines)
Checkbox: slider, which can be "on" or "off
Single select dropdown: a value can be selected from several options
Multi select dropdown: multiple values can be selected from multiple options
Radio group: multiple options can be selected. All options are displayed, but one is selected
Radio button: Slider, which can be "on" or "off