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Placeholders in Word templates

Placeholders are text modules that keep a position free in a template or text field for desired information. For example, if the placeholder {employeeFirstName} is used in a template, the first name of the employee is automatically inserted when it is used.

In Microsoft Word, bookmarks can be added using the function provided for this purpose. However, our system dictates how the placeholders must be named. So you cannot use Microsoft Word placeholders. 

Using the button below you can find a list of all placeholders for Admin and their meaning. As mentioned there, all Custom Fields can also be used as placeholders. For this, exactly the same text must be used and it MUST be the English term for it.

z.B. wenn das Custom Field "Yearly Bonus" und "Jährlicher Bonus" heisst, muss der Platzhalter
{Yearly Bonusheissen.